Whole Lotta Love
Conversations and meditations about Love in all its forms, from the Divine to the Day to Day. With Katie Wise, sacred singer/songwriter and relationship guide.
Whole Lotta Love
Divine Love: the Goddess Durga and a Meditation to Release Fear
Katie Wise
Episode 1
In this Episode, I will explore the theme of “Divine Love,” through a story of the hindu goddess Durga, and how she is relevant today.
I will also share a guided meditation on the removal of fear, one of the things that can get in the way of Love.
Leave a message with your question about Love on the Whole Lotta Love Hotline, and Katie will answer in a future episode: 720-805-6965
Listen to our playlist of the best recorded versions of Zeppelin's classic "Whole Lotta Love"
Email us at bhaktiexplosion@gmail.com
More from Katie at bhaktimama.com/linktree